#P9567. [SDCPC 2023] Puzzle: Sashigane

    ID: 10845 远端评测题 1000ms 1024MiB 尝试: 0 已通过: 0 难度: 3 上传者: 标签>2023山东Special JudgeO2优化构造XCPC

[SDCPC 2023] Puzzle: Sashigane


Given a grid with nn rows and nn columns, there is exactly one black cell in the grid and all other cells are white. Let (i,j)(i, j) be the cell on the ii-th row and the jj-th column, this black cell is located at (bi,bj)(b_i, b_j).

You need to cover all white cells with some L-shapes, so that each white cell is covered by exactly one L-shape and the only black cell is not covered by any L-shape. L-shapes must not exceed the boundary of the grid.

More formally, an L-shape in the grid is uniquely determined by four integers (r,c,h,w)(r, c, h, w), where (r,c)(r, c) determines the turning point of the L-shape, and hh and ww determine the direction and lengths of the two arms of the L-shape. The four integers must satisfy 1r,cn1 \le r, c \le n, 1r+hn1 \le r + h \le n, 1c+wn1 \le c + w \le n, h0h \ne 0, w0w \ne 0.

  • If h<0h < 0, then all cells (i,c)(i, c) satisfying r+hirr + h \le i \le r belong to this L-shape; Otherwise if h>0h > 0, all cells (i,c)(i, c) satisfying rir+hr \le i \le r + h belong to this L-shape.
  • If w<0w < 0, then all cells (r,j)(r, j) satisfying c+wjcc + w \le j \le c belong to this L-shape; Otherwise if w>0w > 0, all cells (r,j)(r, j) satisfying cjc+wc \le j \le c + w belong to this L-shape.

The following image illustrates some L-shapes.


There is only one test case in each test file.

The first line contains three integers nn, bib_i and bjb_j (1n1031 \le n \le 10^3, 1bi,bjn1 \le b_i, b_j \le n) indicating the size of the grid and the position of the black cell.


If a valid answer exists first output Yes in the first line, then in the second line output an integer kk (0kn2130 \leq k \leq \frac{n^2-1}{3}) indicating the number of L-shapes to cover white cells. Then output kk lines where the ii-th line contains four integers rir_i, cic_i, hih_i, wiw_i separated by a space indicating that the ii-th L-shape is uniquely determined by (ri,ci,hi,wi)(r_i, c_i, h_i, w_i). If there are multiple valid answers you can print any of them.

If there is no valid answer, just output No in one line.



给定一个 nnnn 列的网格,网格中包含恰好一个黑色方格,其余方格均为白色。令 (i,j)(i, j) 表示位于第 ii 行第 jj 列的格子,这个黑色方格位于 (bi,bj)(b_i, b_j)

您需要用若干 L 形覆盖所有白色格子,使得每个白色格子都恰好被一个 L 形所覆盖,同时唯一的黑色方格不能被任何 L 形覆盖。L 形不能超过网格的边界。

更正式地,网格中的一个 L 形由四个整数 (r,c,h,w)(r, c, h, w) 唯一确定,其中 (r,c)(r, c) 确定了 L 形的转折点,hhww 确定了 L 形两臂的方向和长度。四个整数满足 1r,cn1 \le r, c \le n1r+hn1 \le r + h \le n1c+wn1 \le c + w \le nh0h \ne 0w0w \ne 0

  • h<0h < 0,则所有满足 r+hirr + h \le i \le r 的格子 (i,c)(i, c) 均属于该 L 形;否则若 h>0h > 0,则所有满足 rir+hr \le i \le r + h 的格子 (i,c)(i, c) 均属于该 L 形。
  • w<0w < 0,则所有满足 c+wjcc + w \le j \le c 的格子 (r,j)(r, j) 均属于该 L 形;否则若 w>0w > 0,则所有满足 cjc+wc \le j \le c + w 的格子 (r,j)(r, j) 均属于该 L 形。

下图展示了几种 L 形。



第一行输入三个整数 nnbib_ibjb_j1n1031 \le n \le 10^31bi,bjn1 \le b_i, b_j \le n)表示网格的大小以及黑色格子的位置。


如果存在符合要求的覆盖方案,首先输出一行 Yes,接下来在第二行输出一个整数 kk0kn2130 \leq k \leq \frac{n^2-1}{3})表示覆盖白色格子的 L 形数量。接下来输出 kk 行,第 ii 行输出四个由单个空格分隔的整数 rir_icic_ihih_iwiw_i,表示第 ii 个 L 形由 (ri,ci,hi,wi)(r_i, c_i, h_i, w_i) 唯一确定。如果有多种合法答案,您可以输出任意一种。

如果不存在符合要求的覆盖方案,仅需要输出一行 No



5 3 4

5 1 -1 3
1 2 1 3
3 1 -2 1
4 3 -1 -1
4 5 1 -1
2 5 1 -2

1 1 1



We illustrate the first sample test case as follows.