#P9560. [SDCPC 2023] Math Problem
[SDCPC 2023] Math Problem
Given two positive integers and , you can perform the following two types of operations any number of times (including zero times):
- Choose an integer which satisfies , and change into . It will cost you coins to perform this operation once. The integer you choose each time can be different.
- Change into . It will cost you coins to perform this operation once. Note that is the largest integer which is less than or equal to .
Given a positive integer , calculate the minimum number of coins needed to change into a multiple of . Please note that is a multiple of any positive integer.
There are multiple test cases. The first line of the input contains an integer () indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:
The first line contains five integers , , , , (, ).
For each test case output one line containing one integer, indicating the minimum number of coins needed to change into a multiple of . If this goal cannot be achieved, output instead.
给定两个正整数 和 ,您可以进行以下两种操作任意次(包括零次):
- 选择一个整数 满足 ,将 变为 。该操作每次花费 枚金币。每次选择的整数 可以不同。
- 将 变为 。该操作每次花费 枚金币。其中 表示小于等于 的最大整数。
给定正整数 ,求将 变为 的倍数最少需要花费几枚金币。请注意: 是任何正整数的倍数。
有多组测试数据。第一行输入一个整数 ()表示测试数据组数。对于每组测试数据:
第一行输入五个正整数 ,,,,(,)。
每组数据输出一行一个整数,代表将 变为 的倍数最少需要花费几枚金币。如果无法完成该目标,输出 。
对于第一组样例数据,一开始 ,最优操作如下:
- 首先进行一次第二种操作,将 变为 ,花费 枚金币。
- 接下来进行一次第一种操作,选择 ,将 变为 ,花费 枚金币。
- 接下来进行一次第一种操作,选择 ,将 变为 ,花费 枚金币。
- 此时 ,满足 是 的倍数。共花费 枚金币。
对于第二组样例数据,进行两次第二种操作将 变为 。共花费 枚金币。
对于第三组样例数据,因为 已经是 的倍数,因此无需进行任何操作。共花费 枚金币。
101 4 207 3 5
8 3 16 100 1
114 514 19 19 810
1 1 3 1 1
For the first sample test case, initially . The optimal steps are shown as follows:
- Firstly, perform the second type of operation once. Change into . This step costs coins.
- Then, perform the first type of operation once. Choose and change into . This step costs coins.
- Then, perform the first type of operation once. Choose and change into . This step costs coins.
- As , is a multiple of . The total cost is coins.
For the second sample test case, perform the second type of operation twice will change into . The total cost is coins.
For the third sample test case, as is already a multiple of , no operation is needed. The total cost is coins.