#P9341. [JOISC 2023] Security Guard (Day4)

[JOISC 2023] Security Guard (Day4)


In JOI Kingdom, there are NN islands, numbered from 11 to NN. Each island has the insecurity level. The insecurity level of the island i (1iN)i\ (1 \le i \le N) is SiS_i.

In JOI Kingdom, ships between pairs of islands are mostly used as the methods of transportations. There are MM ships, numbered from 11 to MM. The ship j (1jM)j\ (1 \le j \le M) connects the island AjA_j and the island BjB_j. We can run ships when necessary. It is possible to travel from any island to any other island by taking a number of ships.

In JOI Kingdom, there is a plan to introduce new ships. We can choose any pairs of islands where newly introduced ships connect.

One day, an incident occurred. A ship at anchor was attacked. Prime minister K of JOI Kingdom decided to introduce new ships. He also demands that ships in JOI Kingdom should satisfy the following Security Condition.

  • When a ship is anchored at the island i (1iN)i\ (1 \le i \le N), the number of security guards on the ship is greater than or equal to SiS_i.

However, since it is expensive to hire security guards, we want to minimize the number of hired security guards. As long as the condition “it is possible to travel from any island to any other island by taking a number of ships” is satisfied, it is possible to abolish ships which are currently running.

Therefore, we will run ships as follows. Here, kk is the number of newly introduced ships.

  1. For each of the kk newly introduced ships, we choose two islands where it connects.
  2. We choose a number of (more than or equal to 00) ships, and we abolish them. It is allowed to abolish newly introduced ships.
  3. For each of the ships, we anchor it at one of the two islands where it connects. We make a number of security guards get on it. Moreover, the following conditions should be satisfied.

Condition     For every pair u,v (1uN,1vN)u, v\ (1 \le u \le N, 1 \le v \le N) of islands, it is possible to transport a passenger from the island uu to the island vv by repeating the following operations a number of times. In the process, Security Condition should be satisfied all the time.

  • We make a passenger or security guards get on a ship which is anchored at the island where the passenger or security guards are staying.
  • We make a passenger or security guards get off a ship at the island where the ship is currently anchored.
  • We move a ship from the island where the ship is currently anchored to the other island where the ship connects.

Since the budget is limited, we can introduce at most QQ new ships. For each k (0kQ)k\ (0 \le k \le Q), Prime minister K wants to know the minimum possible number of hired security guards if the number of newly introduced ships is kk. Write a program which, given the information of islands and the routes of the ships and the number of new ships we can introduce, calculates the minimum possible number of hired security guards for each kk.


Read the following data from the standard input.

N M QN\ M\ Q

S1 S2  SNS_1\ S_2\ \cdots\ S_N

A1 B1A_1\ B_1

A2 B2A_2\ B_2




Write Q+1Q+1 lines to the standard output. The (k+1)(k+1)-th line (0kQ)(0 \le k \le Q) of output should contain the minimum possible number of hired security guards if the number of newly introduced ships is kk.


在 JOI 王国中,有 NN 座岛屿,编号从 11NN。每座岛屿都有不安全程度 SiS_i

在 JOI 王国中,使用船只作为交通工具连接各个岛屿。现有 MM 艘船只,编号从 11MM,第 jj 艘船只连接着岛屿 AjA_jBjB_j。我们可以在需要时运行这些船只。乘坐几艘船只后,可从任意岛屿抵达其他所有岛屿。

今天,JOI 王国的首相 K 毅然决定引入新的船只,并要求所有船只必须遵守以下安全条件。

当一艘船只停泊在岛屿 i (1iN)i\ (1\leq i \leq N) 时,其上的保安人数大于等于 SiS_i


我们将按如下方法运营船只。这里,kk 是要引入的新的船只数。

  • 对于这 kk 艘新的船只,选择它们相连接的两座岛屿。

  • 我们选取一些(多于或等于 00 艘,以下称为“废除船只”)船只予以废除。允许废除已经运行的新船只。

  • 对于每艘船只,将其停泊在与其相连的两座岛屿中的一座上,并在其上安置一定数量的保安人员。此外,还应满足以下条件:对于所有岛屿对 u,v (1uN,1vN)u, v\ (1\leq u\leq N,1\leq v\leq N),重复下面的操作若干次后可以将一位乘客从岛屿 uu 运送到岛屿 vv。在整个过程中,必须使当一艘船只停泊在某座岛屿 ii 上时,其上的保安人数大于等于 SiS_i

  1. 在停泊在该岛屿上的船只上载客或保安。
  2. 在抵达另一座岛屿之前,在停泊在目前所处的船只上卸客或保安。
  3. 从目前所处的岛屿开往与之相连的另一座岛屿并停泊在那里。

由于预算有限,我们最多可以引入 QQ 艘新船。对于每个 k (0kQ)k\ (0\leq k\leq Q),首相 K 想要知道在引入 kk 艘新船的情况下,满足所有条件时最小可能雇用的保安人数。请编写一个程序,根据岛屿和船只路线的信息以及可以引入的新船数量,计算每个 kk 对应的最小人数。

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4 3 0
2 1 3 2
1 2
2 3
3 4


4 3 1
2 1 3 2
1 2
2 3
3 4


3 3 0
1 1 1
1 2
1 3
2 3


8 7 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
7 8

8 7 0
16 39 36 23 15 48 23 56
1 2
1 3
2 4
2 5
3 6
3 7
7 8

10 13 4
314 159 265 358 979 323 846 264 338 327
1 2
1 4
2 3
2 5
3 6
4 5
4 7
5 6
5 8
6 9
7 8
8 9
9 10



【样例解释 #1】

If the number of newly introduced ships is 00, we need 77 security guards. For example, the conditions are satisfied if we allocate the ships and 77 security guards as follows.

  • The ship 11 is initially anchored at the island 22, and two security guards get on the ship 11.
  • The ship 22 is initially anchored at the island 22, and two security guards get on the ship 22.
  • The ship 33 is initially anchored at the island 44, and three security guards get on the ship 33.

Let us explain how to transport a passenger in the following two cases.

  • We transport a passenger from the island 11 to the island 44.
  • We transport a passenger from the island 33 to the island 22.

We can transport a passenger from the island 11 to the island 44 as follows. The islands where the ships 1,2,31, 2, 3 are anchored, and the numbers of security guards on the ships 1,2,31, 2, 3 are written in this order. The numbers of security guards on the islands 1,2,3,41, 2, 3, 4 are written in this order.

We can transport a passenger from the island 33 to the island 22 as follows.

Since it is impossible to satisfy the conditions if the number of security guards is less than or equal to 66, output 77.

This sample input satisfies the constraints of Subtasks 2,3,4,5,6,72, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

【样例解释 #2】

If the number of newly introduced ships is 00, similarly as Sample Input 11, we need 77 security guards.

If the number of newly introduced ships is 11, we need 55 security guards. For example, the conditions are satisfied if we allocate the ships and 55 security guards as follows.

  • We introduce a new ship connecting the island 22 and the island 44. (In the following, we call it the ship 44.)
  • We abolish the ship 33.
  • We initially anchor the ship 11 at the island 22, and make two security guards get on the ship 11.
  • We initially anchor the ship 22 at the island 22, and make one security guard get on the ship 22.
  • We initially anchor the ship 44 at the island 22, and make two security guards get on the ship 44.

This sample input satisfies the constraints of Subtasks 5,6,75, 6, 7.

【样例解释 #3】

If the number of newly introduced ships is 00, we need 22 security guards. For example, the conditions are satisfied if we allocate the ships and 22 security guards as follows.

  • We abolish the ship 33.
  • We initially anchor the ship 11 at the island 11, and make one security guard get on the ship 11.
  • We initially anchor the ship 22 at the island 11, and make one security guard get on the ship 22.

This sample input satisfies the constraints of Subtasks 4,5,6,74, 5, 6, 7.

【样例解释 #4】

This sample input satisfies the constraints of all the subtasks.

【样例解释 #5】

This sample input satisfies the constraints of Subtasks 3,4,5,6,73, 4, 5, 6, 7.

【样例解释 #6】

This sample input satisfies the constraints of Subtasks 5,6,75, 6, 7.



  • 2N2×1052 \le N \le 2\times 10 ^ 5;
  • N1M4×105N - 1 \le M \le 4\times 10 ^ 5;
  • 0Q2×1050 \le Q \le 2\times 10 ^ 5;
  • 1Si109 (1iN)1 \le S_i \le 10 ^ 9\ (1 \le i \le N);
  • 1Aj<BjN (1jM)1 \le A_j < B_j \le N\ (1 \le j \le M);
  • (Ax,Bx)(Ay,By) (1x<yM)(A_x, B_x) \neq (A_y, B_y)\ (1 \le x < y \le M);
  • It is possible to travel from any island to any other island by taking a number of ships;
  • Given values are all integers.
子任务编号 分值 特殊限制
11 1212 M=N1M = N - 1Q=0Q = 0Si2 (1iN)S_i \le 2\ (1 \le i \le N)Aj=jA_j = jBj=j+1 (1jM)B_j = j + 1\ (1 \le j \le M)
22 1313 M=N1M = N - 1Q=0Q = 0Aj=jA_j = jBj=j+1 (1jM)B_j = j + 1\ (1 \le j \le M)
33 1212 M=N1M = N - 1Q=0Q = 0
44 1313 Q=0Q = 0
55 88 N16N \le 16
66 1818 N3000N \le 3 000
77 2424