#P9328. [CCC 2023 S5] The Filter

[CCC 2023 S5] The Filter


Alice, the mathematician, likes to study real numbers that are between 00 and 11. Her favourite tool is the filter.

A filter covers part of the number line. When a number reaches a filter, two events can happen. If a number is not covered by the filter, the number will pass through. If a number is covered, the number will be removed.

Alice has infinitely many filters. Her first 33 filters look like this:

In general, the k-thk\text{-th} filter can be defined as follows:

  • Consider the number line from 00 to 11.

  • Split this number line into 3k3^k equal-sized pieces. There are 3k+13^k + 1 points and 3k3^k intervals.

  • The k-thk\text{-th} filter consists of the 2nd2^{\text{nd}} interval, 5th5^{\text{th}} interval, 8th8^{\text{th}} interval, and in general, the (3i1)th(3i-1)^{\text{th}} interval. The points are not part of the k-thk\text{-th} filter.

Alice has instructions for constructing the Cantor set. Start with the number line from 00 to 11. Apply all filters on the number line, and remove the numbers that are covered. The remaining numbers form the Cantor set.

Alice wants to research the Cantor set, and she came to you for help. Given an integer NN, Alice would like to know which fractions xN\frac{x}{N} are in the Cantor set.


The first line contains the integer NN.

The following table shows how the available 1515 marks are distributed.

Marks Bounds on NN Additional Constraints
33 marks 3N3183 \leq N \leq 3^{18} NN is a power of 33.
44 marks 2N2×1052 \leq N \leq 2 \times 10^5 None.
88 marks 2N2×1092 \leq N \leq 2 \times 10^9


Output all integers xx where 0xN0 \leq x \leq N and xN\frac{x}{N} is in the Cantor set.

Output the answers in increasing order. The number of answers will not exceed 10610^6.


Alice 有无穷个筛子,筛子从 11 开始标号。第 kk 个筛子作用如下:

  • 考虑数轴上大于等于 00 小于等于 11 部分。
  • 将这部分均分为 3k3^k 个同样长的段。此时将获得 3k+13^k+1 个端点和 3k3^k 个段。
  • 筛子将筛除形如第 2,5,8,(3×i1)2,5,8,(3 \times i-1) 个段。注意,端点不会被筛去。

给定正整数 N(1N2×109)N(1\leq N \leq 2 \times 10^9),你需要从小到大输出所有的 x(0xN)x(0\leq x \leq N),满足 xN\frac x N 没有被筛去。

保证合法的 xx 的数量小于等于 10610^6 个。

输入数据 1


输出数据 1



512,612,712\frac{5}{12},\frac{6}{12},\frac{7}{12} are not in the Cantor set because they were covered by the 1st filter. Furthermore, 212\frac{2}{12} and 1012\frac{10}{12} are not in the Cantor set because they were covered by the 2nd2^{\text{nd}} filter.

It can be shown that the remaining fractions will pass through all filters.


  • Subtask 1(3 points):3N3183 \leq N \leq 3 ^{18}NN33 的整数次幂。

  • Subtask 2(4 points):2N2×1052 \leq N \leq 2\times 10^5

  • Subtask 3(8 points):2N2×1092 \leq N \leq 2 \times 10^9