#P9300. [CCC 2023 J2] Chili Peppers

[CCC 2023 J2] Chili Peppers


Ron is cooking chili using an assortment of peppers.

The spiciness of a pepper is measured in Scolville Heat Units (SHU).Ron's chili is currently not spicy at all, but each time Ron adds a pepper, the total spiciness of the chili increases by the SHU value of that pepper. The SHU values of the peppers available to Ron are shown in the following table:

Pepper Name Scolville Heat Units
Poblano 15001500
Mirasol 60006000
Serrano 1550015500
Cayenne 4000040000
Thai 7500075000
Habanero 125000125000

Your job is to determine the total spiciness of Ron's chili after he has finished adding peppers.


The first line of input will contain a positive integer NN, representing the number of peppers Ron adds to his chili. The next NN lines will each contain the name of a pepper Ron has added. Each pepper name will exactly match a name that appears in the table above. Note that more than one pepper of the same name can be added.


The output will consist of a positive integer TT, representing the total spiciness of Ron's chili.


Ron 在尝试使用一些辣椒做一份黑暗料理,每一个辣椒都有其自己特别的辣度,如下表:

辣椒名 辣度
Poblano 15001500
Mirasol 60006000
Serrano 1550015500
Cayenne 4000040000
Thai 7500075000
Habanero 125000125000


现在请你实现一个程序,输入的第一行为 nn1n101 \leq n \leq 10),表示一共放了 nn 个辣椒,接下来 nn 行,一行一个字符串 sis_i,表示放入辣椒的名称。现在请你求出那份黑暗料理的辣度。

输入数据 1


输出数据 1