#P9188. [USACO23OPEN] Pareidolia S

[USACO23OPEN] Pareidolia S


Note: The time limit for this problem is 4s, 2x the default.

Pareidolia is the phenomenon where your eyes tend to see familiar patterns in images where none really exist -- for example seeing a face in a cloud. As you might imagine, with Farmer John's constant proximity to cows, he often sees cow-related patterns in everyday objects. For example, if he looks at the string "bqessiyexbesszieb", Farmer John's eyes ignore some of the letters and all he sees is "bessiebessie".


Given a string ss, let B(s)B(s) represent the maximum number of repeated copies of "bessie" one can form by deleting zero or more of the characters from ss. In the example above, B(“bqessiyexbesszieb")=2B(\text{``bqessiyexbesszieb"}) = 2.

Computing B(s)B(s) is an interesting challenge, but Farmer John is interested in solving a challenge that is even more interesting: Given a string tt of length at most 31053\cdot 10^5 consisting only of characters a-z, compute the sum of B(s)B(s) over all contiguous substrings ss of tt.


The input consists of a nonempty string of length at most 31053\cdot 10^5 whose characters are all lowercase English letters.


Output a single number, the total number of bessies that can be made across all substrings of the input string.



注意:本题的时间限制为 4 秒,是默认时间限制的 2 倍。

Pareidolia 是一种现象,指的是人们倾向于在并不真正存在的地方看到熟悉的图案——例如在云中看到一张脸。可以想象,由于农夫 John 经常与奶牛接触,他常常在日常物品中看到与奶牛相关的图案。例如,如果他看到字符串 "bqessiyexbesszieb",农夫 John 的眼睛会忽略其中的一些字母,而他看到的只是 "bessiebessie"。


给定一个字符串 ss,令 B(s)B(s) 表示通过删除 ss 中的零个或多个字符后,能够形成的 "bessie" 的最大重复次数。在上面的例子中,B(“bqessiyexbesszieb")=2B(\text{``bqessiyexbesszieb"}) = 2

计算 B(s)B(s) 是一个有趣的挑战,但农夫 John 对解决一个更有趣的挑战感兴趣:给定一个长度不超过 31053 \cdot 10^5 的字符串 tt,且仅由字符 a-z 组成,计算所有连续子串 ssB(s)B(s) 之和。


输入由一个非空字符串组成,长度不超过 31053 \cdot 10^5,且所有字符均为小写英文字母。


输出一个数字,表示输入字符串的所有子串中能够形成的 "bessie" 的总数。


对于第一个样例,有 12 个子串恰好包含 11 个 "bessie",有 11 个子串恰好包含 22 个 "bessie",因此总数为 121+12=1412 \cdot 1 + 1 \cdot 2 = 14

  • 输入 3-5:字符串长度不超过 50005000
  • 输入 6-12:没有额外限制。





For the first sample, twelve substrings contain exactly 11 "bessie", and 11 string contains exactly 22 "bessie"s, so the total is 121+12=1412\cdot 1+1\cdot 2=14.

  • Inputs 3-5: The string has length at most 50005000.
  • Inputs 6-12: No additional constraints.