#P6991. [NEERC 2014] Gomoku
[NEERC 2014] Gomoku
这是一道 IO 交互题。
This is an interactive problem.
Gomoku is a two-player game on a two-dimensional grid. Each cell of the grid can be either empty, contain the first player's mark or contain the second player's mark but not both. Initially the entire grid is empty. Two players make alternating moves, starting with the first player. At each move, a player can put her mark into exactly one empty cell. The first player to have her five adjacent marks in a single row wins. The winning row can be either vertical, horizontal or diagonal.
Position where the second player (white marks) had won.
The players use a grid in this problem. If the entire grid gets filled with marks but no player has won, the game is declared a draw.
The first player uses the following strategy: as the first move, she puts her mark into the center cell of the grid. At every other move, she picks such a move that maximizes the score of the resulting position.
In order to find the score of a position, the first player considers all possible places where the winning combination might eventually form -- in other words, all horizonal, vertical and diagonal rows of five consecutive cells on the board (of course, they may overlap each other). If such a row contains both the first player's marks and the second player's marks, it is disregarded. If such a row contains no marks, it is disregarded as well. For each row with exactly marks of the first player and no marks of the second player, add to the score of the position. For each row with exactly marks of the second player and no marks of the first player, subtract from the score of the position. Finally, add a random integer number between and to the score. This random number is chosen uniformly.
In case when several moves of the first player have equal scores (such ties are quite rare because of the random addition mentioned above), the first player picks the one with the smallest x-coordinate, and in case of equal x-coordinates, the one with the smallest y-coordinate.
Your task is to write a program that plays the second player and beats this strategy.
Your program will play games against the strategy described above, with different seeds of random generator. Your program must win all these games.
在这个问题中,玩家们使用 的棋盘。如果整个棋盘都放满了棋子但无人获胜,游戏平局。
为了计算一个局面的分数,第一名玩家会考虑能组成胜利组合的所有地方——换句话说,棋盘上所有横行、竖行、对角线上五个连续的格子(当然,它们会互相重叠)。如果这一行同时包括了第一名玩家的棋子和第二名玩家的棋子,就无视它。如果这一行包括了恰好 个第一名玩家的棋子而没有第二名玩家的棋子,给该局面的分数加上 。如果这一行包括了恰好 个第二名玩家的棋子而没有第一名玩家的棋子,给该局面的分数减去 。最后,给分数加上一个 到 的随机数。随机数是均匀分布的。
如果第一名玩家有多个分数相同的格子可选(因为上面提到的随机分数的原因,这是非常罕见的),第一名玩家选择 X 坐标最小的位置,如果仍有多个格子有相同的 X 坐标,就选择 Y 坐标最小的位置。
你的程序将会与上述策略对局 局,每局的随机数种子不同。你的程序必须在每局中都获胜。
- 从标准输入读入两个整数 。
- 如果都是 ,那么游戏结束,你的程序必须退出。
- 否则这两个整数描述了第一名玩家下子的坐标,。
- 输出第二名玩家下子的坐标,然后换行。别忘了清空缓冲区。
10 10
10 11
10 12
10 13
9 10
9 11
9 9
11 13
-1 -1
11 10
11 11
10 9
10 14
8 9
11 9
11 12
11 8
Time limit: 2 s, Memory limit: 512 MB.