#P4766. [CERC2014] Outer space invaders

    ID: 5513 远端评测题 2000ms 125MiB 尝试: 0 已通过: 0 难度: 5 上传者: 标签>动态规划 DP2014离散化O2优化区间 DP

[CERC2014] Outer space invaders


The aliens from outer space have (finally!) invaded Earth. Defend yourself, or be disintegrated!

Or assimilated. Or eaten. We are not yet sure.

The aliens follow a known attack pattern. There are nn attackers, the ithi-th one appears at time aia_i, at distance did_i from you. He must be destroyed no later than at time bib_i, or else he will fire his weapon, which will definitely end the fight.

Your weapon is an area-blaster, which can be set to any given power. If fired with power RR,it momentarily destroys all aliens at distance RR or smaller. It also consumes RR fuel cells.

Determine the minimal cost (measured in fuel cells) of destroying all the aliens, without being killed.


The first line of input contains the number of test cases TT. The descriptions of the test cases follow:

Each test case starts with a line containing the number of aliens n(1n300)n(1 \le n \le 300). Of the next nn lines, the ithi-th one contains three integers $a_i, b_i, d_i, (1 \le a_i < b_i \le 10 000, 1 \le d_i \le 10 000)$.

The ithi-th alien appears at time aia_i, is idle until bib_i, and his distance from you is did_i.


For each test case, output one line containing the minimum number of cells needed to destroy all the aliens.




外星人遵循已知的攻击模式。有 NN 个外星人进攻,第 ii 个进攻的外星人会在时间 aia_i 出现,距离你的距离为 did_i,它必须在时间 bib_i 前被消灭,否则被消灭的会是你。

你的武器是一个区域冲击波器,可以设置任何给定的功率。如果被设置了功率 RR,它会瞬间摧毁与你的距离在 RR 以内的所有外星人(可以等于),同时它也会消耗 RR 单位的燃料电池。



第一行输入一个数 TT,表示有 TT 组数据。

每组数据的第一行为外星人的数量 nn1n3001\leq n\leq 300)。

接下来 nn 行,每行有三个数 ai,bi,dia_i,b_i,d_i,表示这个外星人在时间 aia_i 出现,距离你 did_i,在 bib_i 前时刻死亡。


TT 行,每行输出摧毁所有外星人的最低成本。

1 4 4
4 7 5
3 4 7