#P3560. [POI 2013] LAN-Colorful Chain

[POI 2013] LAN-Colorful Chain


Little Bytie loves to play with colorful chains.

He already has quite an impressive collection, and some of them he likes more than the others.

Each chain consists of a certain number of colorful links.

Byteasar has noticed that Bytie's sense of aesthetics is very precise.

It turns out that Bytie finds a contiguous fragment of a chain nice if it contains exactly links of color links of color links of color , and moreover it contains no links of other colors.

A chain's appeal is its number of (contiguous) fragments that are nice.

By trial and error, Byteasar has determined the values and .

Now he would like to buy a new chain, and therefore asks you to write a program to aid him in shopping.

给定一个长度为 nn 的序列 aamm 个条件(每个条件中包含键 cic_i 和值 lil_i),要求找出满足下列条件的子串的数量并输出:

  • 条件中存在键 cic_i 的,要求子串中 cic_i 恰好出现 lil_i 次。

  • 条件中不存在键 cic_i 的,要求子串中不出现 cic_i

先输入 nnmm,再输入 mm 个条件的 lil_i,然后输入 mm 个条件的 cic_i,最后输入 aia_i


The first line of the standard input gives two integers, and (), separated by a single space.

These are the length of the chain and the length of a nice fragment's description.

The second line gives integers, (), separated by single spaces.

The third line gives integers, (, for ), also separated by single spaces.

The sequences and define a nice fragment of a chain - it has to contain exactly links of color .

The fourth line gives integers, (), separated by single spaces, that are the colors of successive links of the chain.

In tests worth 50% of total points the constraint holds in addition.


Your program is to print a single integer, the number of nice contiguous fragments in the chain, to the first and only line of the standard output.

7 3
2 1 1
1 2 3
4 2 1 3 1 2 5




对于 100%100\% 的数据,1mn1061\leq m\leq n \leq 10^61ai,bi,cin1\leq a_i,b_i,c_i\leq n