#P3500. [POI 2010] TES-Intelligence Test

[POI 2010] TES-Intelligence Test


One of the tasks in the Byteotian Intelligence Test (BIT) is to cross out numbers from an initial sequence in such a way that leaves as a result certain given sequences.

Byteasar longs to become the IQ Master of Byteotia, but he is no good in this kind of tasks.

But since practice makes perfect, he intends to practise a lot.

So much in fact that he asks you to write a program that will facilitate the training by verifying his answers quickly.


The first line of the standard input contains one integer mm (1m1 000 0001\le m\le 1\ 000\ 000).

The second line holds mm integers a1,a2,,ama_1,a_2,\cdots,a_m (1ai1 000 0001\le a_i\le 1\ 000\ 000 for 1im1\le i\le m), separated by single spaces, that constitute the initial sequence of the test.

The third line of the input holds one integer nn.

The following 2n2n lines describe the sequences to be obtained by crossing out numbers from the initial sequence.

Each sequence's description takes two successive lines.

The first of these two lines contains an integer mim_i (1mi1 000 0001\le m_i\le 1\ 000\ 000).

The second contains an mim_i-element long sequence of integers bi,1,bi,2,,bi,mib_{i,1},b_{i,2},\cdots,b_{i,m_i}(1bi,j1 000 0001\le b_{i,j}\le 1\ 000\ 000 for 1jmi1\le j\le m_i)separated by single spaces. You may assume that the total length on given nn sequences does not exceed 1 000 0001\ 000\ 000.


Your program should print out nn lines to the standard output.

The ii-th line (for 1in1\le i\le n) should hold one word, "TAK" (yes in Polish) if the ii-th input sequence can be obtained by crossing out (i.e., removing) some, not necessarily contiguous, numbers from the initial sequence, or "NIE" (no in Polish) otherwise. Mind you, only the words should be printed, no quotation marks. Of course, the order of the numbers left after crossing out is important, as can be seen in the example.



译自 POI 2010 Stage 1.「Intelligence Test

给出一个母串 a1,a2,a3,,ana_1,a_2,a_3,\cdots ,a_n ,若干次询问,每次询问给出一个子串 b1,b2,bmb_1,b_2,\cdots b_m ,请你求出这个子串是不是母串的子序列。


第一行一个正整数 nn
第二行 nn 个空格隔开的正整数 a1,a2,,ana_1,a_2,\cdots ,a_n ,表示母串。
第三行一个正整数 qq ,表示询问次数。
接下来 2×q2 \times q 行,每两行表示一次询问,其中的第一行是一个正整数 mm ,第二行是 mm 个空格隔开的正整数表示 b1,b2,,bmb_1,b_2,\cdots ,b_m ,表示询问的子串。


输出共 qq 行,每行一个字符串。
若第 ii 次询问的串是母串的子序列,那么第 ii 行应为 TAK ,否则应为 NIE

对于 100%100\% 的数据,有 1n,m,ai,bi1 000 0001\le n,m,a_i,b_i\le 1\ 000\ 000 ,且 m1 000 000\sum m\le 1\ 000\ 000 ,这里 m\sum m 表示 qq 组询问的 mm 之和。

翻译来自于 LibreOJ

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