#P3493. [POI 2009] WSP-Island

    ID: 4335 远端评测题 1000ms 125MiB 尝试: 0 已通过: 0 难度: 6 上传者: 标签>计算几何2009POI(波兰)Special Judge半平面交

[POI 2009] WSP-Island


Byteasar is the king of Byteotia, an island in The Ocean of Happiness.

The island is a convex shape, and all the towns of Byteotia are located on the shore.

One of these towns is Byteburg, the famous capital of Byteotia.

Every pair of towns is connected by a road that goes along the line segment between the towns.

Some roads that connect different pairs of towns intersect - there is a crossroad at each such intersection.

Bitratio, Byteasar's rival to the throne, had hatched a sordid plot.

While Byteasar was travelling from the capital to an adjacent town, Bitratio's people seized Byteburg.

Now Byteasar has to return to Byteburg as soon as possible in order to restore his rule.

Unfortunately, some of the roads are controlled by Bitratio's guerrilla.

Byteasar cannot risk the use of such roads, he can however cross them at the crossroads.

Needless to say, he has to travel along the roads and hence turn only at the crossroads, for otherwise the journey would take far too long.

Byteasar's loyal servants have informed him which roads are safe.

Byteasar believes your loyalty, and thus entrusts you with a task to find the shortest safe route from the town he is currently in to Byteburg.



In the first line of the standard input two integers and are given (, ), separated by a single space, that denote respectively: the number of towns and the number of roads controlled by Bitratio's guerrilla.

Let us number the towns from to starting from Byteburg and moving clockwise along the shore.

Bytesar is currently in the town no. .

Each of the following lines holds a pair of integers and (![](http://main.edu.pl/images/O…


Your programme is to print out one floating point number to the standard output:

the length of the shortest safe route leading from the town no. to Byteburg.

The absolute difference between the number returned and the correct one has to be at most .



Byteotia岛屿是一个凸多边形,城市全都在海岸上,按顺时针编号 11nn



问从城市 11nn 的最短距离。


第一行两个正整数 nnmm 表示城市数和被控制的道路数。

接下来 nn 行,每行两个整数 x,yx,y 表示每个城市的坐标。

接下来 mm 行,每行两个整数 u,vu,v 。表示城市 uuvv 之间的道路不能走,数据保证有解。


输出一个实数,表示从 11nn 最短道路距离,误差在 10510^{-5} 以内均算正确。


3n105,1m106,x,y1063 \le n \le 10^5,1 \le m \le 10^6,|x|,|y| \le 10^6

by Rainy7 & Piwry

6 9
-12 -10
-11 6
-4 12
6 14
16 6
18 -2
3 4
1 5
2 6
2 3
4 5
3 5
1 3
3 6
1 6


