#P3491. [POI 2009] SLW-Words

[POI 2009] SLW-Words


Let be a function acting on strings composed of the digits 0 and 1.

The function transforms the string by replacing (independently and concurrently) every digit 0 with 1 and every digit 1 with the string .

For example , (i.e. assigns an empty string to the empty string).

Note that is an injection, or a one-to-one function.

By we denote the function composed with itself times.

In particular, is the identity function .

We are interested in the strings of the form for This sequence begins with the following strings:

, , , , , .

We call the string a substring of the string if it occurs in as a contiguous (i.e. one-block) subsequence.

A sequence of integers is given.

Your task is to check whether a string of the form is a substring of for some .


The first line of the standard input contains a single integer , , denoting the number of test units.

The first line of each test unit's description contains one integer , .

The second line of each description holds non-negative integers , separated by single spaces.

The sum of the numbers in the second line of any test unit description does not exceed .


Your programme should print out lines to the standard output, one for each test unit.

Each line corresponding to a test unit should contain one word:

TAK (yes in Polish - if is a substring of for some in that test unit, or NIE (no in Polish) otherwise.



函数 hh 作用于由数字 0011 组成的字符串,其通过将每一个数字 00 替换为 11,将每一个数字 11 替换为字符串 1010 来独立且同时地变换字符串 ww


h(1001")=101110"h(``1001")=``101110" h( ")= "h(``\ ")=``\ "


注意, hh 是一个一对一的函数。

我们用 hkh^k 表示函数 hh 使用 kk 次。

特别的, h0(w)=wh^0(w)=w

我们对 k=0,1,2,...k = 0, 1, 2, ...hk(0")h^k(``0") 形式的字符串感兴趣,这个序列为:

$$``0", ``1", ``10", ``101", ``10110", ``10110101", \ldots $$

如果字符串 xxyy 中以一个连续的(即一个块)子串出现,我们就称 xx 为字符串 yy 的子串。给出整数 k1,k2,k3,...,knk_1, k_2, k_3, ..., k_n 的序列。你的任务是检查是否有 mm ,使 $h^{k_1}(``0") \cdot h^{k_2}(``0") \cdot \ldots \cdot h^{k_n}(``0") $ 形式的字符串是 hm(0")h^m(``0") 的子串。


输入的第一行包含一个整数 tt 表示样例数, 1t131 \leq t \leq 13。每个样例输入两行,一行 nn1n1000001 \leq n \leq 100000 ,另一行为 nn 个非负整数 k1,k2,k3,...,knk_1, k_2, k_3, ..., k_n ,用单个空格分隔。


您的程序应该输出 tt 行,每个测试输出一行。如果存在 mm 使 $h^{k_1}(``0") \cdot h^{k_2}(``0") \cdot \ldots \cdot h^{k_n}(``0") $ 是 hm(0")h^m(``0") 的子串,就输出 TAK(波兰语中的 yes ),如果不存在 mm,则输出 NIE(波兰语中的 no )。

Translated By in_young_ren

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