#P3481. [POI 2009] PRZ-Algorithm Speedup

[POI 2009] PRZ-Algorithm Speedup


As a punishment for misbehaving, Byteasar is to calculate a certain mysterious and nasty Boolean-valued function F(x,y)F(x,y), which is defined for a pair of positive integer sequences x=(x1,x2,,xn)x=(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n), y=(y1,y2,,yn)y=(y_1,y_2,\cdots,y_n) as follows:

  • boolean F(x,y)F(x, y)
  • if W(x)W(y)W(x)\neq W(y) then return 00
  • else if W(x)=W(y)=1|W(x)|=|W(y)|=1 then return 11
  • else return F(p(x),p(y))F(s(x),s(y))F(p(x), p(y)) \wedge F(s(x), s(y)).


  • W(x)W(x) denotes the set of members of the sequence xx (order and repetitions of elements are insignificant),
  • p(x)p(x) denotes the longest prefix (initial part of any length) of the sequence xx, such that W(x)W(p(x))W(x)\neq W(p(x)),
  • s(x)s(x) denotes the longest suffix (final part of any length) of the sequence xx, such that W(x)W(s(x))W(x)\neq W(s(x)),
  • \wedge denotes the logical conjunction, 11 - true, 00 - false, and z|z| - cardinality of set zz.

For example, for the sequence x=(2,3,7,2,7,4,7,2,4)x=(2,3,7,2,7,4,7,2,4) we have: W(x)={2,3,4,7}W(x)=\{2,3,4,7\}, p(x)=(2,3,7,2,7)p(x)=(2,3,7,2,7), s(x)=(7,2,7,4,7,2,4)s(x)=(7,2,7,4,7,2,4). For very large data a programme calculating values of the function FF directly from definition is too slow by any standards. Therefore you are to make these calculations as fast as possible.

Write a programme that reads several pairs of sequences (x,y)(x,y) from the standard input and prints out the values F(x,y)F(x,y) on the standard output for every input pair.


The first line of the standard input contains one integer kk (1k131\le k\le 13) denoting the number of sequence pairs to analyse.

Next 3k3k line hold descriptions of test cases.

The first line of each description contains two integers nn and mm (1n,m100,0001\le n,m\le 100{,}000) separated by a single space and denoting the lengths of the first and second sequence, respectively.

The second line holds nn integers xix_i (1xi1001\le x_i\le 100) that form the sequence xx, separated by single spaces.

The third line holds mm integers yiy_i (1yi1001\le y_i\le 100), that form the sequence yy, separated by single spaces.


The output should consist of exactly kk lines; the ii-th line (for 1ik1\le i\le k) should contain a single integer - 0 or 1 - the value of F(x,y)F(x, y) for ii-th test case.


你的任务是计算一个函数F(x, y),其中x和y是两个正整数序列。F的定义如下:

boolean F(x, y)
if W(x) ≠ W(y) then return 0
else if |W(x)| = |W(y)| = 1 then return 1
else return F(p(x), p(y)) AND F(s(x), s(y)).
p(x)表示序列x的最长前缀,满足:W(x) ≠ W(p(x))
s(x)表示序列x的最长后缀。满足:W(x) ≠ W(s(x))
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