#P3447. [POI 2006] KRY-Crystals

[POI 2006] KRY-Crystals


Byteman is a scientist who investigates creation of crystals consisting of atoms of different elements.

He has designed a special process for creating crystals and has discovered a formula specifying theamount of elements that can be used to create a crystal. Now, he wonders how many differentcrystals can be created in such process.

For non-negative integers xx and yy, by xyx\bigoplus y we shall denote their bit-wise xor. The basic xor forsingle bits is defined by:

11=00=01\bigoplus 1=0\bigoplus 0=0,01=10=10\bigoplus 1=1\bigoplus 0=1.

Byteman knows nn different elements that can be used to create crystals -these are numbered from 11 to nn. For each element ii there is an upper bound mim_i on number of atoms of this elementthat can be used to create a crystal. Byteman can create one unique crystal composed of aia_i atomsof the element ii (for i=1,,ni=1,\cdots,n), if and only if:

  • 0aimi0\le a_i\le m_i for i=1,,ni=1,\cdots,n

  • a1an=0a_1\bigoplus\cdots\bigoplus a_n=0, and

  • a1+a2++an1a_1+a_2+\cdots+a_n\ge 1.

Note that the last condition is quite obvious and essentially states that every crystal is composed ofat least one atom.

TaskWrite a programme which:

reads form the standard input: the number of elements and the bounds on numbers of atoms of particular elements, computes the number of different crystals that can be created, writes the result to the standard output.


The first line of the standard input contains the number of elements nn, 1n501\le n\le 50.

The second, last line of the standard input contains nn positive integers m1,,mnm_1,\cdots,m_n, separated by single spaces,1mi<23211\le m_i<2^{32}-1.


Your programme should write one integer to the standard output - total number of different crystals that can be created. You can assume that this number is less than 2642^{64}.



给定 nn 个正整数 m1m_1mnm_n,对长度为 nn 且满足以下条件的整数序列 aa 计数:

  • 对于任意 1in1\le i\le n0aimi0\le a_i\le m_i
  • a1a2an=0a_1\oplus a_2\oplus\cdots\oplus a_n=0,其中 \oplus 为按位异或运算;
  • a1+a2++an1a_1+a_2+\cdots+a_n\ge1


第一行有一个正整数 nn

第二行有 nn 个正整数,表示 m1,m2,,mnm_1,m_2,\ldots,m_n




1n501\le n\le50

1mi23211\le m_i\le2^{32}-1

数据保证答案小于 2642^{64}

感谢 @FZzzz @UnyieldingTrilobite 提供翻译。

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