#P3445. [POI 2006] TAN-Dancing in Circles

[POI 2006] TAN-Dancing in Circles


nn kids attend a certain kindergarten. Everyday the kids arrange themselves in kk circles and dance.

At least ll kids dance in each circle. Two arrangements of children are considered distinct if there isa child who has a different right neighbour in one of the arrangements than in the other.

Your task is to calculate the number of all distinct arrangements modulo 20052005. Should there beno arrangements satisfying the aforementioned conditions, the correct outcome is 00.

TaskWrite a programme which:

reads the numbers nn, kk and ll from the standard input, calculates the number d=d mod 2005d'=d\ mod\ 2005, where dd denotes the number of distinct arrangements of the children (d mod 2005d\ mod\ 2005 denotes the remainder of the division of dd by 20052005), writes dd' to the standard output.






The first and only line of the standard input contains three integers separated by single spaces: nn- the number of children (3n1 000 000 0003\le n\le 1\ 000\ 000\ 000), kk - the number of circles(1kn1\le k\le n) and ll - the minimal number of kids in a circle (2ln2\le l\le n).

只有一行输入,三个整数N,K,L(3≤N≤1,000,000,000 ; 1≤K≤n ; 2≤L≤n)分别代表小朋友数量,圈子数量,每个圈子里最少的小朋友数。


The first and only line of the standard output should contain a single integer: d mod 2005d\ mod\ 2005.


7 2 3


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